The Choice of a Word

Choice of a Word

Which word to choose? There are so many gorgeous words to choose from… so difficult to only choose one…

Every year I choose a word. Not a resolution. Not something that will hang around my neck, like a dead albatross, making me feel guiltier and guiltier for not attending the gym for the 5th time that week, or for sneaking that cheeky chocolate bar along with my morning cuppa when I thought my conscience wasn’t looking.

No, that’s not for me.

A word, on the other hand, a word that will inform, teach, guide, enlighten the year ahead? Yes, that sounds much better. There’s so much in life that causes us to feel inadequate in some way or another, that I don’t need to include a string of well-intended resolutions to make it any worse.

For 2010 my word was UNITY. Yeah, it seemed like a bit of strange word to me at the time too. However, my working definition of UNITY really resonated: “the state of being undivided or unbroken completeness or totality with nothing wanting”.  And I was right to choose it, because when I look back on my notes on my choice of word, I’m amazed at just how far I’ve come with this word as my guide.

December 2009 I wrote that…

Throughout this last year some things came to an end, and their natural conclusion has meant that the overall structure of my life fell apart. Since then I have started many new projects which has resulted in a dispersal, a scattering of my energy. In 2010 things are going to start coming together, and this is going to require me to start practicing discernment.

And boy, did they! In fact, you’re reading the results of this coming together. This website is where I get to share the fruits of this unified focus. And yes, some projects were wound up, some opportunities were passed up, but ultimately I’m pleased with where my word took me, because I arrived here!

And now for my 2011 word…

Well, I tried out a number of words, the main contenders being ABUNDANCE, VULNERABILITY and GROUNDED/ROOTED. None of them felt quite right by themselves though. I needed a word that would include all these and more. The word I needed was….


I know – kind of seems obvious doesn’t it? I mean, this is what this whole site is about, isn’t it? Really, how could it not be BLOSSOMING?

Here’s what I’ve written about my word for 2011…

BLOSSOMING is the perfect word for me this year because it encapsulates all the words that I’ve considered. It’s GROUNDED, ROOTED, as without strong roots there is no blossom. It’s VULNERABLE, because to break through the bud of potential requires that one reassess boundaries and embrace the state of vulnerability. It’s ABUNDANT because it flourishes and shakes out its petals without fear of scarcity or lack.

Doesn’t that sound wonderful?  Well, wonderful and slightly terrifying at the same time?  The thought of choosing BLOSSOMING as my 2011 word gets the butterflies in full flight for me… which means that it must be the right word.

What’s also wonderful and terrifying is that I get to share this BLOSSOMING with all of you!  So, what do you say?  Want to BLOSSOM together?

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