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Why Lilith Matters

Do you fear your own desire?

Are you frozen at even the very thought of allowing yourself to want what you want?

And what about permission? Is there anything scarier than giving ourselves the permission to be desiring subjects rather than the desired object?

Yet, sitting cheek by jowl with this fear is the desire. And as much as we suppress it, as much as we ignore it, as much as we pretend it doesn’t exist, it won’t be suppressed or ignored or denied. And this is because it is calling for integration – it is calling for expression.

You’re probably wondering what this has to do with Lilith. And my answer would be: everything. This has everything to do with Lilith.

Lilith was Adam’s first wife. She was pre-Eve, formed not from Adam’s rib, but from the very earth itself. This was no match in heaven though. Adam told Lilith what he expected from her as his wife – namely that she “lay beneath” him. And, well, Lilith was always more of a girl-on-top. So she walked. She left paradise for the real world, the self-exiled feminine, the archetype that contains all those parts of ourselves that are not considered acceptable, not considered good, not considered ok just as they are. All because she knew what she wanted, and she honoured that desire.

And this is why Lilith matters.

For so long we have believed the lie that we have to compromise our desire for the good of all. Don’t rock the boat. Don’t disturb the universe. Don’t be a trouble-maker. Don’t listen to those insistent whispers that spiral up from your belly and remind you of what it means to be fully alive, fully awake.

The real truth is that the world is calling out for strong, vibrant, sensual women who know what they want and aren’t afraid to speak of their desire. The real truth is that we are all malnourished by the denial of both collective and individual desire. The real truth is that it is time, beyond time, really, to get up close and intimate with our own desires – it is time to bring Lilith home.

And it is for this reason that I am co-hosting a workshop with Kathleen Prophet next month in San Francisco – Liberating Lilith: Unleashing the Wild Subversive Feminine.

This weekend promises to be one of deep and lasting transformation, as together we lean in close to the true nature of our desire and lend it our voices so that it can be spoken aloud – so that we can call ourselves back into communion with our own wild soul – so that we can recognise our Lilith self that is longing to come home, fully accepted without the need to compromise the revitalising force of her true nature.

If you feel that Lilith matters and this workshop is singing to your true desire, I would love to see you there. Book your place now, and I’ll see you in April. I cannot wait to meet you.


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