
Words, Words, Words

So, what exactly is this business of a word for the year? Do you need one? Will it help? What’s the point?

Words are incredibly powerful talismans – portals through which much magic enters into the world. The speaking of a word, the act of naming things, is a well known tool for gaining power. By choosing a word for yourself, you are determining what you want to attract into your world. You are spinning the thread of your own destiny.

Of course, as with all these things, we are not able to see the finer details; we are not privy to the way the chips will fall. However, we can direct our course – we can determine our direction. This is what a word for the year can do for you. It can be your north star – your shining point of guidance that leads you onwards, keeps you on track, stops you from wandering too far astray.

A guiding star. A mantra. A touchstone. A portal. A talisman. An invitation.

So, how do you find your word? Out of all the many wonderful words in the language of things, how do we narrow our choice down to one (or, in my case, 3 😉 )?

Well, if you’re connecting to your intuition, you may find that when you tap into that calm still point that exists at the very heart of you, that you already know your word. It’s been resting there all the while, waiting for you to recognise its presence. Once you’ve heard it, seen it, felt it, known it, ask for confirmation. You may find that the word that rests in your heart will show itself to you in your external world – magazines, television commercials, bilboards, street names. Be open to the signs of the universe.

If you need a little assistance, I would be happy to help you find your word through connecting to the goddesses. Another option is to work through Christine Kane’s free Word of the Year tool, which I can highly recommend. In fact, these two, the goddess reading and the word tool would work really well together, as the reading gives you a selection of words to choose from, and the tool will help you narrow down the right one for you.

Another wonderful resource to help you explore your word in a little more depth is Susannah Conway’s Unravelling Your Year Ahead 2012. This is another free resource, and after working through it yesterday, it’s already created no small amount of magic in my world.

Or you could explore Ali Edward’s One Little Word workshop, which looks really special too, gets great reviews, and looks exceptionally good value!

So, what do you do once you have your word? 

Honestly, my lovely, it’s completely up to you.

  • You can journal around it.
  • Create a mindmap, with your word at the centre.
  • Write it on post-it notes and stick them round your house, on your computer screen, your car dashboard, your diary.
  • You can create visionboard collages holding the word lightly in your heart and look to see what images show up for you.
  • You can take yourself on a photo trail looking for images that evoke your word for you.
  • You can get it made into a soul mantra.
  • You can look up dictionary definitions.
  • You can google quotes that include your word.
  • You can create your own affirmations to support your word choice.
  • You can check out books on Amazon that include your word in the title.
  • You can create a playlist and hear your word sung to you.

There are so many different ways for you to tap into your what your word means for you. Have fun. Play with it. Don’t get too serious and heavy with it. Hold it on the palm of your hand as you would a feather.

If you have other ideas for what to do with your word, add it as a comment please – I’d love to hear your ideas!!

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