Hakitonmuyaw – Moon of Waiting

original image by h.koppdelaney

There is a Hopi prophecy regarding the time leading up to the end of 2012, a date of no small significance according to many ancient people’s calendars, that ‘we are the ones we have been waiting for’. It is a call for us to stop looking for a Messiah, someone outside of ourselves who will come into the world to lead us to the light. It asks us to look within, to find that divine spark that rests inside the breast of all those who inhabit this planet, and to let that spark guide us towards change.

But what is this state of ‘waiting’? How do we recognize its presence in our lives so that we can move away from waiting and into action?

For me, it is a shift in awareness that allows us to transition from passive waiting, to active waiting and from there, into positive action. Without awareness we struggle to find the momentum that would propel us forwards from passivity to action. Without awareness we may never fully wake up to the knowledge that we are in a state of waiting in the first place.

So what does waiting look like? In my experience, passive waiting looks very much like stagnation. There is no flow, no movement, no consciousness. We sit immobile either through fear of change, or through lethargy. In this way we can drift through a lifetime, numb and disengaged from everything that reminds us we’re alive. You know, there’s a reason why zombie narratives are so popular throughout the late twentieth and into the twenty-first centuries; they reflect a kind of living death prevalent in our societies where we kill feeling with consumption.

The second kind of waiting, active waiting, is completely different.

Active waiting feels less like a slow death and more like a pregnant pause. We can sense it in the air, a certain kind of frisson that feels almost like static electricity prickling your skin. It’s noticeable in the fullness of your chest during those seconds between inhale and exhale. Its presence in our day-to-day is close to tangible because it feels like every cell of your body is attracted towards some revelatory moment.

It is this kind of waiting that I want you to engage with this cycle. Sit in this sensation of alert observation. Cast your senses out to your fingertips, the soles of your feet, the strands of your hair and fully give yourself over to the experience of what is coming. Remain aware to the signs that are all around you always – those personal symbols that speak the language of your unconscious. Ask yourself the question over and over and over again – what am I waiting for?

And when you have your answer, it will be time to act. I’m hoping, just like the Hopi elders, that you’ll recognize that your time of waiting is over. That the answer rests within you, just as it always has. It was only waiting for you to notice that it was there, and that you might then take the time to listen to its song. Through active waiting, you will have allowed the song to be sung in harmonies long familiar to your soul.

You will hear the truth that has been there all along – You are the one you have been waiting for.

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