Frost Moon – Clarity

Jack, his skin tinged with pale blue, his eyes shadowed with purple, skipped across the fields and forests while the world slumbered in deep repose. As the tips of his fingers graze the tree trunks, the blades of grass, car windscreens and the forgotten toys randomly scattered around back gardens, miniscule ice crystals start to form.

The crystals spiral out across the smooth surfaces, creating complex patterns, swooping swirling lines – illegible words the world is just not ready to comprehend. They bloom out across the glass, the plastic, the metal as well as the petals, the leaves and the bark. All is dressed in shimmering layers as deadly as it is beautiful.

Come the dawn, Jack Frost slinks back to his lair exhausted from his nocturnal antics, and the first rays of sun peeping out over the horizon begin to erase the traces of his work.

But the sun does not reach all those places that Jack visited in those wee small hours. Never reaching the heady heights of those summer months, the sun’s trajectory remains low, and so the crisp crunch of the frost-laden earth stays as fresh as when Jack first touch it.

The beautiful thing about these frost-filled days is not only the magical patterns, but the sense of clarity that accompanies them.

When you leave your house in the morning and breathe in the cold air, there is a freshness that infuses your whole body. It chases away the brain-fog and helps us to view the clear outlines of things. It’s almost as if the fuzzy softness that we’ve been content with has been replaced by a new laser-like focus.

This cycle, make this most of this gift. Draw upon the clarity present in the climate and channel it into a clarity of thought. See with fresh eyes the past which seemed confused, the future that seemed distant and the present that seemed muddied.

When we approach the world from this position of crystal clarity, everything seems so much more accessible. We begin to see ways of being that just never occurred to us before, new routes that kept hidden, new solutions that remained unsolved – suddenly we are gifted with the power to see further, deeper, broader.

As Jack Frost skips across chilly vistas, we can use his cold energy to make new insights into our relationships, our work, our heart’s desires. Maybe this insight will come to you in one dazzling moment – almost as though the answer has been dropped into your brain. Or perhaps the insights you seek will gently flow into your consciousness creating a whole new vision of your life.

Regardless of how Jack’s magic visits you, take a moment or two to appreciate the clarity that it brings you. Breathe in that cool, fresh air and let it circulate around your thoughts, your ideas. A gift, indeed.

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