General News,  Goddess Guidance

Where the Virtual Meets the Sacred

Yesterday, I spent most of the day building virtual altars.

You see, each Practical Magic Business Circle sister has her own space within the circle itself. A place to call her own, where she can seed her intentions, share her struggles and successes, ask for guidance, for support, and to deeply connect with her business. On each altar, I added some information about the business goddess that stepped forward to meet both circle sister and her business, along with a link to a Pinterest board I’ve created for that goddess, and an image that I think resonates with the particular gifts this goddess is bringing.

Each one of these altars sings to me with a different energetic signature. How could they not? The coming together of my energy, the circle sister’s energy, her business’ energy and her business goddess’ energy, results in a very specific quality. In my experience, this quality can be felt as distinctly unique to each altar.

And so, having built the altars yesterday, I opened up the doors to the Practical Magic Business Circle today, and have since been blessed with the opportunity to witness the gathering of the circle. As I called in each of the sisters who have already claimed their space there, and as I see them begin to interact with each other, with their altar, I am reminded of just how sacred the virtual can be.

After all, the circle itself is a sacred space. And these altars within the circle are an honouring of all the individual elements that combine to create this sacred space. The energy that is building there now is indescribably beautiful, and its potency is already tangible.

For me, it genuinely makes no difference if this space is experienced in the virtual or the non-virtual. When we build respect, honour, reverence, and love into our circles, whether they are held in the physical or in the digital, they hold a sacred resonance that is palpable. By bringing this piece online, however, I can make this sacred space available to all, regardless of geographic location. I create the opportunity for each to enter into the circle in a way that supports her to be fully present.

I believe that the Practical Magic Business Circle is one of these places where the virtual meets the sacred. It’s a place where we gather, we support, we inspire, we dance, we receive… and yes, we make practical magic.

To make sure you don’t miss the announcement of the next round, then please do sign up to my mailing list! You can do that by clicking here….

If you want to read more about the Practical Magic Business Circle, I have written a series of articles describing the various preparations I’ve undertaken, along with some of the elements that, I believe, make this virtual space a truly sacred one…






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