General News,  Goddess Guidance,  Self-Discovery

The Full Vision – Spoken & Written

Over the last week, I have been sharing the vision that came through to my during a sacred cacao ceremony, as part of my Practical Magic Business Circle preparations. I was aware before of the 6 goddesses that were stepping forward to support and guide the next round, but in this vision, I was informed of what gift each intended to bring to the circle. It was an incredibly rich experience, and I’ve taken the time to share it in 8 instalments, introducing the goddesses one by one.

But today, I’d like to bring it altogether for you, so that you too can experience the fullness of the vision…. as an audio, and then in written words.

I find myself in a dark forest. It is night time and the trees grow close here. I can just make out the shape of their dark branches against the night sky. But, I feel myself instantly orientated in this place, and I know my direction so clearly. I begin to move forward at a steady pace, but before long, I find myself running.

And then there is the moon….

Small in the sky to begin with, and then bigger and bigger, until I am running completely bathed in her light. I lose my footing, or the ground just disappears beneath my feet, and then I am tumbling headfirst into the moonlight. I have the feeling of passing through a portal – some kind of sacred boundary that separates ordinary life from sacred living.

Then, in an instant, everything changes, and I am dressed in a long dark hooded cloak and standing in a forest clearing. I realise then that I am surrounded by six other figures similarly dressed.

“Take your place, sister,” one speaks. I join the circle and we all sit. We hold hands, and I feel immense energy pass through our palms. I can see this energy as a bright golden circle of light that crackles and sparks with energy. The energy increases, and I look up into the trees that surround our circle, and see each tree contains one of the Practical Magic soul sister guides – Tanya Geisler & Lauren Bacon, Julie Daley, Lindsay McLeod, Randi Buckley, Kathleen Prophet and Lisa Lister. They are all smiling, and there’s a feeling of gleeful anticipation moving through us all.

The hooded figures and I then release each others’ hands, but the energy that has poured through us all continues to hum in the air, and the scent of magic hangs thickly all around….

The figure to my left, removes her hood and I see an elderly woman with long iron grey hair that falls in heavy tangled ringlets all around her lined face. Her olive skin glows with life, and her dark eyes are filled with deep knowing. These are the eyes of one who has seen life in all its aspects – the light and the shadow. These are the eyes of one who has seen it all. She holds a magpie feather in her hands, and twirls it between her fingers as she begins to speak…

“We will set the scene, create the space… We will enter in and journey deep. We will hear the voice of our own wise self and we will make much magic. For I am Hecate, and that is my way. That is our way.”

She pauses for a moment, and then pulls her body into standing, and drops her feather into a cauldron that has appeared in the centre of our circle.

As she takes her seat again, there is a collective pause as we all honour the gift that Hecate is bringing to the circle.

The next figure, removes her hood. She is also a crone, but her hair has mostly fallen out. She is almost bald, and I can see the skin of her scalp gleam softly in the moonlight… almost a moon itself. Her eyes are huge, and she has a smile that I can only describe as childlike. It is so sweet, so loving, so open. I feel myself fall in love with that smile almost instantly. She sits with her legs apart, and I can see a dark tangle between her legs. She takes no effort to cover herself. But then, such is her innocence; there is no shame in her revelation. Her voice, when she speaks, is soft, but it travels easily in the darkness around us….

“I am Sheila-Na-Gig, and I offer the invitation of true self-enquiry, so that we can come into accordance with the rhythms of our body, our spirit, our heart, our mind. So that we may each see ourselves clearly as the entry point into the divine, and find our peace in the beginnings, middles and endings of all things.”

She takes her magpie feather and adds it too into the cauldron. We all again, take a moment to honour Sheila-Na-Gig’s offering.

As the third figure prepares to remove her hood, a breeze stirs the air around us, and the magpie feathers flutter in response. The medicine is moving… Shakti, for it is she, slides the hood down over her long glossy dark hair, until the fabric lays pooled around her shoulders. Her large black eyes hold a spark of fire dancing deep within their depths, and a smile which is not quite fully expressed moves across her lips. She leans slightly forward to speak, and when she does so, her voice is rich, vibrant… so much life in each syllable, that I can feel whole worlds come into being as the words leave her body, delivered on the sweetness of her breath…

“Let us enter into communication with each of the energy centres that exist within the body. Let us learn the words spoken by our flesh, our bones, our blood, our breath. Let us follow the flow of our energy as it rises up within us, so that we may track all the ways it longs to seek expression in the world.”

She holds her magpie feather to her lips, and kisses it lightly, before adding it to the other two in the cauldron. I feel a rush of energy move through my body as the feather settles in the bottom of the cauldron. We all honour the gift that Shakti is contributing.

The fourth figure, removes her hood, and as she does so, I see that she is heavily pregnant. Her huge distended belly rests in the cradle of her pelvis, and a smile I can only describe as beautiful satisfaction lights the whole of her face. Her tawny eyes exactly match the locks of her cascading tawny hair – she is the very picture of full health. Glowing. Glossy. Radiant. She is Gaia…

“I sing the songs of life that call slumbering inertia into active being, and I hold a space for all to be nurtured and nourished. I love all my creations, and I do not judge them according to opinions of others. I give unrelenting support to that which I have birthed, and to that which is calling to be birthed through me.”

The fullness of creative energy, of the pure generosity of mothering energy, ripples around the circle as Gaia speaks her offering. And then she too adds her magpie feather to the cauldron. In response, a quickening in my womb fills my whole body with warmth. And I know the gratitude of the circle to Gaia’s gift is felt as a palpable stirring in our bodies.

Amaterasu is next. The Japanese sun goddess lowers her hood, and we all instantly feel the sunlight mingling with the moonlight, as her rays dance with the moonbeams across our skin. Her straight black hair falls heavy down her back, and her flawless skin seems lit from within. It’s like light infuses her whole being. She is light. Even her words as she speaks her offering seem to be a play of sunlight through dark places…

“Bringer of light, giver of gifts, I am called to deliver that which is mine to offer. And I do so freely and with great love. I give my gift and recognise it for the beautiful unique offering that it is. It holds my essence – and I honour it for that.”

She reverently places her feather in the cauldron, and I feel the profound and deeply felt respect that she has for the gifts that we all have been born with, the light that is uniquely ours. She is holding a space for each of us to shine beautifully, brilliantly. And with that, I feel a call to truly honour my own light, my own gifts. I let this settle deep into the cells of my being, as we all take a breath to welcome in Amaterasu’s offering.

The sixth hooded figure picks up a long stick, as she stands and walks around the seated circle. She draws a perfect circle in the packed dirt around us, not saying one word, until she arrives back to her starting place. The circle now complete, she takes her seat once more, and then removes her hood. Her hair, her eyes, her skin are all bright gold. She is fiercely brilliant against the darkness of the night, and we all feel compelled to attend closely to all that she says…

“I am Sekhmet – I respect what is mine. And I respect that which is not. I claim my own. And I release that which does not belong to me. Deep clarity and the energy of profound discernment. The capacity to speak a strong no, so that my yes can hold full conviction. This. This is mine to give.”

Her whole presence is so clear, so well-defined, so strong. She places her feather in the cauldron and we collectively take a breath to honour that which she is contributing to our circle. We all feel her fortifying presence like a protective balm across our skin – and it feels like home.

I sit for a moment or two, my hood still over my head, my feather still held lightly in my hands, and ask myself the question, “Am I ready? Am I ready to hold this circle? Am I ready to enter in? Am I ready to serve as deeply as I so ardently desire? Am I ready to meet my circle sisters in the way each calls to be met? Am I ready to hold my own in relationship to each who enters in?” The goddesses who sit with me wait patiently as I feel my response sing through my body. And then I speak…

“I am ready to hold an open space to receive and share guidance. I am ready to support all circle sisters to the very best of my abilities. I am ready to allow myself to receive support from the goddesses as I hold this circle. I am ready to trust the process. I am ready to make magic. I am ready. I am ready.”

I add my magpie feather to the cauldron where it joins the other six, and I feel the collective energy of the medicine we have invoked begin to combine and spiral up and out into the space all around us. The goddesses smile to each other, and to me. And my smile answers theirs. We hold hands once more, and the golden circle that appeared as we opened our space, returns. But this time it builds brighter and stronger and much much faster. It begins to flow out from each of us, filling the darkness with its radiance.

I see it moving out and touching women across the world, and I see those women transported to the forest clearing. The space becomes busier and fuller with all those who feel their own unique resonance with the magic we have created in our cauldron. And soon we are all dancing in the light of the moon, our joy felt in the stamp of our feet, the raising of our arms, the sway of our hips and the swish of our hair. Spontaneous laughter and song is released into the night. And the fullness of the moon receives all.

The Practical Magic Business Circle will open on the 1st of September, and the energy that is gathering around this circle is truly breathtaking. Between the special guests, the goddesses and the circle sisters who are choosing to step in and claim their space, this is shaping up to be a profoundly magical experience.

To claim your space, simply click on the link below, and you will be taken to a page where you can read all about the details of the offering, and you can choose the option that feels best for you, your budget and your business. If you have any questions at all, please do not hesitate to ask in the comments. Or if you feel more comfortable emailing me, you can do that instead.


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